Beneficios del



Entendemos el juego como una manifestación de la inmadurez con la que nacemos los mamíferos, en general, y los seres humanos en particular. Nuestra misma supervivencia exige la dependencia del adulto. Son otros quienes tienen que proporcionarnos calor, alimento, protección, afecto. Asegurado todo ello, la cría puede dedicarse a explorar y a jugar. Y cuanto más complejo el mundo que debemos conocer, más complejo también el comportamiento que debemos aprender. En el caso de los seres humanos serán muy elaboradas habilidades psicomotrices, lingüísticas, intelectuales y sociales. El juego es, por tanto, una necesidad para todos los seres humanos es la forma natural de interactuar con el mundo, los demás y nosotros mismos. Por ello, el juego ha sido reconocido como un derecho por la ONU y ha sido ratificado por más de un centenar de países.

Beneficios del Juego


Contributes to the physical and mental health of children. When we ask children why there are children who do not play, many of them reply that “they must be sick”.


It is necessary in the construction and conservation of new ways of exploring the physical and social worlds and in the discovery of strategies to be better than peers.


It increases and stimulates it to create possible worlds in which reality bends to their desires and needs.


It encourages creativity in problem solving, in the interpretation of characters and fantastic spaces. Also in the design of original strategies in games and sports.


It allows sharing and enriching the scripts of the different playmates. Learn to respect the rules, as well as to generate new ones, modify them and legitimize them. Promotes friendship between players.

Motor skills

Both gross and fine motor skills benefit from the endless and repeated activities that games set in motion.

Dato Curioso

In the Piura Region, our first playgroups were established on the coast, in the cities of Piura, Castilla, Sullana, Tambo Grande, etc. Playgroups were also opened in the mountains, especially in Ayabaca and Huancabamba. In July 2016 we were invited to the inauguration of a new premises, built in the district of Sóndor, in Tacarpo, Huancabamba by the fathers of the children to host the playgroup. It was built of mud and straw, like the vast majority of buildings in the mountains, with several spacious rooms and next to the medical post. At the inaugural session I verified that they were especially attentive to my speech that he had asked me to say to start the act. They explained to me later that they had been told that I spoke Spanish, but “who knows what Spanish I spoke!”. They later assured me, somewhat surprised, that I was quite well understood. They were especially proud of their work because the building had been the product of a minka (collective, unpaid work of the Inca communities) in which all the fathers had participated. We toast with rompope, a traditional drink made with cane liquor, egg yolks and whites whipped to stiff peaks. Its preparation was also a collective work of the fathers, each one beating egg whites on their plate to incorporate them into the collective preparation. Meanwhile, in the field in front of the play building, boys and girls enjoyed playing mommy, with toy trucks and cars, or with an impromptu soccer game. This is an excellent example of the commitment of families in defending the right to play of their sons and daughters.

Boletín Trimestral

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