About us
Working on painting with children is important because it stimulates their creativity and allows them to express themselves freely. Additionally, it strengthens fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination. Painting also encourages concentration, patience and helps them process emotions visually and artistically.
In this section you will find various drawings made by children of different ages from the Peruvian Play Groups network, using the tools of colored pencils and markers. All of these activities are carried out according to the creativity of each child according to the theme of the work section.
Pinturas FED
Trabajar con los niños y niñas el dibujo y la pintura es crucial para desarrollar su creatividad, expresión emocional y habilidades motoras finas. Estas actividades fomentan su imaginación, fortalecen su autoestima y les permiten comunicar pensamientos y sentimientos de manera no verbal. Además, promueven la concentración y la resolución de problemas de forma lúdica.
In this section you will find various drawings made by children of different ages from the Peruvian Play Groups network, using the tools of colored pencils and markers. All of these activities are carried out according to the creativity of each child according to the theme of the work section.

Know us:
It was established in Madrid on February 8, 1994 and registered in the registry of foundations of the Ministry of Education with No. 247 by ministerial order; on April 6 of the same year it was published in the state bulletin.
The last:

School Playgroups and their impact on coexistence between students
13 de November de 2024
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