(Nueva York 1915 - Nueva York 2016)
These Biographical Notes aim to provide the reader with brief glimpses of the academic and geographical contexts in which Bruner has developed most of a work that constitutes, not only for psychologists and educators, an important reference for the second half of this century. The context is important to be able to understand the original character and the pleasure of discovery that the construction of knowledge entails, whether it is a child or a scientist who embarks on that adventure. And it is important to identify, in order to understand the different sections or stages traveled, both the "allies" in each of these companies and the "opponents" whom it is intended to refute, more numerous, throughout such a long and fruitful intellectual career. , which should be noted in these Notes.
Finally we allude to some peculiarity of his theory, in permanent reformulation, and its relationship with others such as that of Piaget or Vygotsky of which he has also been one of the greatest and best disseminators in the Anglo-Saxon world.

Dr. José Luis Linaza Iglesias
Education is not only, nor should it be exclusively dedicated to the transmission of established knowledge. It should also be dedicated to cultivating awareness of the human condition and generating the ability to understand the nature and sources of knowledge. That is to say, education does not only consist of mastering a content but also consists of capturing what it is to know and to understand.
(Nueva York 1915 - Nueva York 2016)
These Biographical Notes aim to provide the reader with brief glimpses of the academic and geographical contexts in which Bruner has developed most of a work that constitutes, not only for psychologists and educators, an important reference for the second half of this century. The context is important to be able to understand the original character and the pleasure of discovery that the construction of knowledge entails, whether it is a child or a scientist who embarks on that adventure. And it is important to identify, in order to understand the different sections or stages traveled, both the "allies" in each of these companies and the "opponents" whom it is intended to refute, more numerous, throughout such a long and fruitful intellectual career. , which should be noted in these Notes.
Finally we allude to some peculiarity of his theory, in permanent reformulation, and its relationship with others such as that of Piaget or Vygotsky of which he has also been one of the greatest and best disseminators in the Anglo-Saxon world.

Education is not only, nor should it be exclusively dedicated to the transmission of established knowledge. It should also be dedicated to cultivating awareness of the human condition and generating the ability to understand the nature and sources of knowledge. That is to say, education does not only consist of mastering a content but also consists of capturing what it is to know and to understand.

Know us:
It was established in Madrid on February 8, 1994 and registered in the registry of foundations of the Ministry of Education with No. 247 by ministerial order; on April 6 of the same year it was published in the state bulletin.
The last:

School Playgroups and their impact on coexistence between students