Librery  They are synonymous with education and offer countless learning opportunities that can stimulate social, cultural and economic development.

The Foundation makes available to its followers two great investigations carried out in the city of Piura. We also offer texts by two world-renowned authors who generously supported our organization.

FED Books

Juan Linaza - (Investigator)

Taking advantage of the actions to enhance the tangible and intangible heritage of the Piura mountain range in Peru, We designed and coordinated a small team of biologists to address the issue of natural heritage and we propose a study of observation and cataloging of its fauna and flora, as a first step towards its conservation and enhancement.

Wilder Jaramillo - (Investigator)

It is a pedagogical document, which documents with facts the many possibilities with which we can motivate the imagination of boys and girls, since it has been worked with 150 infants from different Educational Institutions, who have been able to materialize through drawing, the visualization of a story, in this case of our context, a visualization that has the ingredient of several learnings.

Important Authors

Jerome S. Bruner

In 1945 he was appointed professor at Harvard University where he did his doctorate a few years earlier. He remained there until 1972, when he accepted a professorship at Oxford University. They were very fruitful years at Harvard and some of his initiatives, such as the Center for Cognitive Studies created with George Miller, became very important references for the new cognitive psychology that made its way in those years.

Carmelo Monedero Gil

Carmelo Monedero Gil

Carmelo Monedero has been a direct witness of how psychology has been developing in Spanish universities during the last decades. Psychologist, psychiatry, philosopher, with several doctorates in Spain and abroad, he has served as Professor of Psychopathology at the UAM (Autonomous University of Madrid). His ideas are very personal and coincide little with those of most psychologists and psychiatrists. 

Fun facts

Jerome Bruner since its constitution. He visited us on numerous occasions and was always interested in the toy library network project. He wanted to visit Aypate but the altitude prevented it. When we thought about a trip to South America, our health was already too fragile.

Carmelo Monedero learned about the activities of the Education and Development Foundation in the last years of his life and considered its playgroups network as a unique spaces for boys and girls to take the floor. His last two books represent an enormous effort to vindicate a psychology that is not limited to the experimental method.

Here we will find and have a repository of articles and book chapters that may be useful to those interested in the topics of education, development, play.

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Know us:

It was established in Madrid on February 8, 1994 and registered in the registry of foundations of the Ministry of Education with No. 247 by ministerial order; on April 6 of the same year it was published in the state bulletin.

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