We learn from childhood

A través del concurso "Construyendo mi Juguete Ecológico" hemos dado ´protagonismo a los niños y las niñas participen en la creación de juguetes reciclados, lo cual, ha fomentado su creatividad, conciencia ambiental y habilidades manuales, enseñándoles a reutilizar materiales de manera innovadora y responsable. Además, esta actividad ha fortalecido su autoestima, al ver que pueden crear algo valioso con sus propias manos, desarrollando también su pensamiento crítico y solución de problemas. Por ello, es esencial que los adultos observen el trabajo realizado a través de una exposición, ya que esto les permite valorar el esfuerzo y la creatividad de los niños y las niñas, fomentando una conexión más fuerte entre generaciones. Además, la exposición brinda a los niños un espacio de reconocimiento, donde sus logros son celebrados y respetados, lo que refuerza su motivación y confianza.


Promote awareness and commitment to sustainability among students of the
Federico Villareal National University and the general public through the exhibition of sustainable toys,
highlighting the importance of responsible design and production, as well as the positive impact
of these products on the environment and society.






Inauguration of the Ecological Toys Exhibition


Auditorium of the Faculty of Industrial and Systems Engineering.

10:00 hours

Exhibition of Ecological Toys


Patio Annex 07, Colonial premises.

11:00 hours

Closing of the Ecological Toys Exhibition


Patio Annex 07, Colonial premises.

13:00 hours





Opening of the Ecological Toys Exhibition


Patio Annex 01, Central location, UNFV Faculty of Education.

10:00 hours

Presentation of Ecological Toys


Patio Annex 01, Central location.

11:00 hours

Closing of the Ecological Toys Exhibition


Patio Annex 01, Central location.

13:00 hours

Sponsored Event

This event is held thanks to CURES (University Center for Social Responsibility) who have made it possible for the prestigious National University Federico Villareal of Peru to allow us access to its spaces (Auditoria and Patios). At the same time, to the Faculties of Education, Industrial Engineering and Systems for welcoming us on these two dates. If you want to participate in this experience, you just have to register using the following button.

Ecological Toys FED 2024

We present some toys that have been made by boys and girls from the network of playgroup in Lima and Callao.
Logo FED

Know us:

It was established in Madrid on February 8, 1994 and registered in the registry of foundations of the Ministry of Education with No. 247 by ministerial order; on April 6 of the same year it was published in the state bulletin.

The last:

We learn from childhood


Through the “Building my Ecological Toy” contest we have given boys and girls the role of participating in the creation of recycled toys, which has encouraged their creativity, environmental awareness and manual skills, teaching them to reuse materials in an innovative and responsible. In addition, this activity has strengthened their self-esteem, seeing that they can create something valuable with their own hands, also developing their critical thinking and problem solving.

Therefore, it is essential that adults observe the work done through an exhibition, since this allows them to value the effort and creativity of boys and girls, fostering a stronger connection between generations. In addition, the exhibition provides children with a space of recognition, where their achievements are celebrated and respected, which reinforces their motivation and confidence.


Promote awareness and commitment to sustainability among students of the
Federico Villareal National University and the general public through the exhibition of sustainable toys,
highlighting the importance of responsible design and production, as well as the positive impact
of these products on the environment and society.


Sponsored Event

This event is held thanks to CURES (University Center for Social Responsibility) who have made it possible for the prestigious National University Federico Villareal of Peru to allow us access to its spaces (Auditoria and Patios). At the same time, to the Faculties of Education, Industrial Engineering and Systems for welcoming us on these two dates. If you want to participate in this experience, you just have to register using the following button.






Inauguration of the Ecological Toys Exhibition


Auditorium of the Faculty of Industrial and Systems Engineering.

10:00 hours

Exhibition of Ecological Toys


Patio Annex 07, Colonial premises.

11:00 hours

Closing of the Ecological Toys Exhibition


Patio Annex 07, Colonial premises.

13:00 hours





Opening of the Ecological Toys Exhibition


Patio Annex 01, Central location, UNFV Faculty of Education.

10:00 hours

Presentation of Ecological Toys


Patio Annex 01, Central location.

11:00 hours

Closing of the Ecological Toys Exhibition


Patio Annex 01, Central location.

13:00 hours

Ecological Toys FED 2024

We present some toys that have been made by boys and girls from the network of playgroup in Lima and Callao.

© Copyright 2022 | Education and Development Foundation

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