Why are these activities important?

Environmental education is crucial for boys and girls, because it fosters early awareness and understanding about the importance of caring for the environment. Through creative activities, they learn about the importance of recycling and human impacts on nature, which helps them develop a sense of responsibility towards protecting the planet. Additionally, these hands-on experiences promote critical thinking and problem-solving skills, as children analyze environmental challenges and seek sustainable solutions. By participating in environmental education activities, they also develop an emotional connection with nature, which can inspire ecologically responsible behavior throughout their lives. These programs contribute to the formation of informed citizens committed to sustainability, necessary to face future environmental challenges.

What will we do?

The boys and girls from the Lima playgroup network, which is distributed in 7 districts of Metropolitan Lima and Callao, will participate in the 1st contest where they will build their sustainable toy, made with recycled materials that they find or have at home, with the support of their families and their volunteer teachers. All of this will be done in the same playgroup spaces.

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Encourage creativity and ingenuity, promoting awareness of environmental education and teaching the importance of recycling. Also seek to strengthen the community through joint participation and develop conflict resolution practices. 

Evaluation Criteria


1° Criterion

Originality and creativity of the toy design and innovative use of recycled materials. 



2° Criterion

The toy must be functional and safe to play with, demonstrating good construction and durability.


80% Recycling

3° Criterion

Percentage and variety of recycled materials used, assessing the effective reuse of waste.



4° Criterion

Degree to which the toy promotes sustainability and reduces environmental impact through recycling.



5° Criterion

Visual appearance of the toy, including attention to detail and overall presentation.


Qualifying Jury

Carolina Suárez Pardo


Clara Rodiguez Rodrigo

Jurado 2

Luis Mercado Mori



1° Excursion to the Lima Zoo

2° Diplomas and certificates

3° Surprise prize

4° Recognition plaque



We are pleased to announce the results of the “Building my Ecological Toy” ContestContest We congratulate all the participants for their creativity and effort, and we thank the jury for their dedication in the evaluation. In the following button we can find the results that our three juries have rated for each toy. Congratulations to everyone and let's continue building a more sustainable future!

© Copyright 2022 | Education and Development Foundation

Why are these activities important?

Environmental education is crucial for boys and girls, because it fosters early awareness and understanding about the importance of caring for the environment. Through creative activities, they learn about the importance of recycling and human impacts on nature, which helps them develop a sense of responsibility towards protecting the planet. Additionally, these hands-on experiences promote critical thinking and problem-solving skills, as children analyze environmental challenges and seek sustainable solutions. By participating in environmental education activities, they also develop an emotional connection with nature, which can inspire ecologically responsible behavior throughout their lives. These programs contribute to the formation of informed citizens committed to sustainability, necessary to face future environmental challenges.

What will we do?

The boys and girls from the Lima playgroup network, which is distributed in 7 districts of Metropolitan Lima and Callao, will participate in the 1st contest where they will build their sustainable toy, made with recycled materials that they find or have at home, with the support of their families and their volunteer teachers. All of this will be done in the same playgroup spaces.


Encourage creativity and ingenuity, promoting awareness of environmental education and teaching the importance of recycling. Also seek to strengthen the community through joint participation and develop conflict resolution practices. 

Título del anverso

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Título del reverso

This is back side content.

Evaluation Criteria


1° Criterion

Originality and creativity of the toy design and innovative use of recycled materials. 



2° Criterion

The toy must be functional and safe to play with, demonstrating good construction and durability.


80% Recycling

3° Criterion

Percentage and variety of recycled materials used, assessing the effective reuse of waste.



4° Criterion

Degree to which the toy promotes sustainability and reduces environmental impact through recycling.



5° Criterion

Visual appearance of the toy, including attention to detail and overall presentation.


Qualifying Jury

Carolina Suárez Pardo


Clara Rodiguez Rodrigo

Jurado 2

Luis Mercado Mori



1° Excursion to the Lima Zoo

2° Diplomas and certificates

3° Surprise prize

4° Recognition plaque


We are pleased to announce the results of the “Building my Ecological Toy” ContestContest We congratulate all the participants for their creativity and effort, and we thank the jury for their dedication in the evaluation. In the following button we can find the results that our three juries have rated for each toy. Congratulations to everyone and let's continue building a more sustainable future!

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Know us:

It was established in Madrid on February 8, 1994 and registered in the registry of foundations of the Ministry of Education with No. 247 by ministerial order; on April 6 of the same year it was published in the state bulletin.

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