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"Save the Bees"

Bees are essential for the functioning of the planet, since the pollination of plants, the production of food, and basic products for human subsistence depend on them. Albert Einstein said: "If bees disappeared from the planet, humans would only have 4 years to live."

Beekeeping is the activity dedicated to the care and conservation of bees, with the aim of obtaining and consuming the products. The main product we obtain is honey, but there are others such as propolis, wax, etc., which we humans use for our daily consumption, having a great benefit for our society. At the same time, bees have a great benefit for the environment and nature, being responsible for the pollination process.

apicultor FED INICIO


Social and environmental benefits
  • Propose sustainable and respectful beekeeping for both the bees and the planet Earth.
  • Support the environment thanks to the highly beneficial effect of bee pollination, maintaining biodiversity.
  • Contribute to ensuring that the bees do not disappear thanks to our care, totally respectful of them.
  • Facilitate the incorporation of young people into beekeeping in rural areas, in order to keep it alive.
  • Benefit the consumer who sponsors with organic products of the highest quality.

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Learn more about bees


With these activities we aim to bring both girls, boys and teachers closer to the world of bees.  All of these activities are designed for ages 3 to 12, with the aim of raising awareness among society about the conservation of the beekeeping world.

Marina García Cano – Collaborator of the activities.

Bee Bee! All together!

There's a commotion in the hive! The real mountain chamomile is in danger of extinction. All the bees come together to find a solution. What these little friends don't expect is that they will have the help of someone special... Will they be able to save Artemis's most appreciated flower, the queen bee? A story with which to teach the little ones the importance of teamwork while they learn environmental values.

Sponsor a Beehive

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© Copyright 2022 | Education and Development Foundation




"Save the Bees"

Bees are essential for the functioning of the planet, since the pollination of plants, the production of food, and basic products for human subsistence depend on them. Albert Einstein said: "If bees disappeared from the planet, humans would only have 4 years to live."

Beekeeping is the activity dedicated to the care and conservation of bees, with the aim of obtaining and consuming the products. The main product we obtain is honey, but there are others such as propolis, wax, etc., which we humans use for our daily consumption, having a great benefit for our society. At the same time, bees have a great benefit for the environment and nature, being responsible for the pollination process.


With these activities we aim to bring both girls, boys and teachers closer to the world of bees.  All of these activities are designed for ages 3 to 12, with the aim of raising awareness among society about the conservation of the beekeeping world.

Marina García Cano – Colaborado de las actividades.

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apicultor FED INICIO
Social and environmental benefits
  • Propose sustainable and respectful beekeeping for both the bees and the planet Earth.
  • Support the environment thanks to the highly beneficial effect of bee pollination, maintaining biodiversity.
  • Contribute to ensuring that the bees do not disappear thanks to our care, totally respectful of them.
  • Facilitate the incorporation of young people into beekeeping in rural areas, in order to keep it alive.
  • Benefit the consumer who sponsors with organic products of the highest quality.

Bee Bee! All together!

There's a commotion in the hive! The real mountain chamomile is in danger of extinction. All the bees come together to find a solution. What these little friends don't expect is that they will have the help of someone special... Will they be able to save Artemis's most appreciated flower, the queen bee? A story with which to teach the little ones the importance of teamwork while they learn environmental values.

Sponsor a Beehive

We know more with the video

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Know us:

It was established in Madrid on February 8, 1994 and registered in the registry of foundations of the Ministry of Education with No. 247 by ministerial order; on April 6 of the same year it was published in the state bulletin.

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