31 años promoviendo el derecho a Jugar

Play provides children with skills that allow them to explore new realities, develop sensitivity to perceptions and problem solving.


We are a non-profit institution that defends children's right to play. For 30 years we have been generating and sustaining spaces and times in which play and the playful role of childhood are respected. We claim outdoor play spaces and promote environmental education that allows us to enjoy and care for nature.

The participation and commitment of families constitutes an essential element of all these activities. Child well-being will also result in healthier and more participatory families and communities.


By purchasing the book you are donating 5% to our Foundation, collaborating with the Playgroups project.


Immerse yourself in the adventure and discover how the bees as a team can solve various difficulties.


A story with which to teach the little ones the importance of teamwork while they learn environmental values.


We will find activities designed for children from 3 to 12 years old, with this, the aim is to raise awareness in society about the conservation of the beekeeping world.

Projects we work on

Playgroups networks

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Environmental Education

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Volunteering and Internships

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ERASMUS International

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Protecting the Bees

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FED Target

Our objective is to contribute to a better understanding of human development and its deep relationship with education, supporting initiatives that facilitate better education and respect for the process of child development.

Actions done


Countries in Action

We currently work in 5 countries: Spain, Peru, Mexico, Argentina and Chile, promoting art, music, physical education and environmental education as fundamental tools of development, in spaces such as kindergarten and primary schools. They also take place in communal houses or neighborhood associations.


Achievements achieved


Dato 2023

Children and Adolescents

Dato 2023


Dato 2023


Compartiendo Alegrías

Gracias a la campaña A toy an illusion que realiza la Crecer Playing Foundation de España, todos los años llegan materiales lúdicos (juguetes) para las redes de ludotecas del Perú y España.

En 2013 fue la primera vez en entregar juguetes a la red de ludotecas de Piura en Perú.  Se han repartido casi 15 toneladas de juguetes en Perú y España.

Ultimas Noticias

Institutions collaborators

© Copyright 2022 | Education and Development Foundation

Play is a necessity for


Play with me

We are a non-profit institution that defends children's right to play. For 30 years we have been generating and sustaining spaces and times in which play and the playful role of childhood are respected. We claim outdoor play spaces and promote environmental education that allows us to enjoy and care for nature.

The participation and commitment of families constitutes an essential element of all these activities. Child well-being will also result in healthier and more participatory families and communities.


FED Projects

During the years of work, the projects have been designed for the benefit of boys, girls, adolescents and young university students internationally. 

Playgroups networks

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Environmental Education

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ERASMUS International

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Protecting the Bees

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Internships and Volunteering

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FED Target

Our objective is to contribute to a better understanding of human development and its deep relationship with education, supporting initiatives that facilitate better education and respect for the process of child development.

Título del anverso

This is front side content.

Título del reverso

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Actions done

Countries in Action

We currently work in 5 countries: Spain, Peru, Mexico, Argentina and Chile, promoting art, music, physical education and environmental education as fundamental tools of development, in spaces such as kindergarten and primary schools. They also take place in communal houses or neighborhood associations.


Achievements achieved

Children and Adolescents

Bee Bee! All together!

There's a commotion in the hive! The real mountain chamomile is in danger of extinction. All the bees come together to find a solution. What these little friends don't expect is that they will have the help of someone special... Will they be able to save Artemis's most appreciated flower, the queen bee? A story with which to teach the little ones the importance of teamwork while they learn environmental values.

15 years delivering toys

In 2013 it was the first time to bring toys to the Piura network of playgroups in Peru.  Almost 15 tons of toys have been distributed in Peru and Spain.

Thanks to the A Toy, an Illusion campaign carried out by the Crecer Playing Foundation, every year material arrives for the playgroups networks.

Institutions collaborators

Logo FED

Know us:

It was established in Madrid on February 8, 1994 and registered in the registry of foundations of the Ministry of Education with No. 247 by ministerial order; on April 6 of the same year it was published in the state bulletin.

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